中環:不停音樂 - 不停張國榮
週六晚上,與友人在中環街市附近飯聚。散席之後獨自行去蘭桂坊娛樂行,往新開的 HMV 看看。買完東西下來就見到一班人聚集玩音樂,如是就留連了一個小時在聽,在享受他們紀念張國榮。
中環,不單係商業中心,名牌消費熱點,與及「蒲點」之外,原來還有有心人,每週兩晚(週五、六)在娛樂行門口聚集玩音樂。是晚 (2012-03-31) 他們如常在聚唱,但因為次一天就是張國榮的死忌,他們這晚的主題就是玩張國榮的歌。
他們叫自己做「不停音樂」,在 Facebook 上有個頁面:
聽他們介紹總共有約 20 人,有些還是由外地(中國大陸,馬來西亞)來港的,有些更加是為了要唱 Leslie 的歌而苦練廣東話呢。
Agnus Dei
DeveloperCras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.
回覆刪除I'm SL from Buskic, who had performed in the show, thanks for the article and thanks for stopping by last Saturday.
回覆刪除Btw I had share your article onto our page, check it out :)
And in fact we are collecting photos and video from the event, please contact me if you wanna share your photos and video clip on teh event with us, we will post it on the page, thank you :)
please feel free to add me on facebook or email me
Do come around if you are free, we playign there every Friday and Saturday starting at around 1030pm, hope to see you soon :D
please use slho344@gmail.com instead, thanks :)